Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reflections on 2014...

Reflections on 2014




 Looking back on this last year 2014 and looking at what came in and what we did last year the scale is clearly very, very unbalanced.


Donations going into 2014 dropped to a point I really do not see who we made it. Bills were and are still doubling most of the time before my wife pays the shut off's and buys a little more time.


We have been buying food for the Mission Church a week or a day at a time getting by well barely.


The Woman's shelter's is currently housing 3 people, one is a woman who came to Wichita from Tennessee last year, she came to get her license  as a Nurse practitioner and to help take care of grandchildren...that did not work out she found her self homeless as the daughter in law did not like her basically not agreeing to her every whim.


She had found us in the Christian directory and said " Messiah's Branch' and they also help homeless that is the place for me, she had been helping mom in the kitchen about 3 weeks when the daughter in law kicked her out, thus making her homeless.


She had not found a job yet so we offered her a room at Mercy. She moved in is paying her own bills as she has her license now and a job. She also is paying the bills or at least did yesterday so that the other two people in Mercy have heat and lights.


She says is happier than she has ever been in her life....


The People that come in to eat from really increased in size, while the most are homeless we are also feeding people from the very poor neighborhood we are in. Young people with no jobs and just trying to make it.


Yes some families with children fall into the people we help also. The clothing closet is working really well right now as we have a woman who works at a motel that come over after she cleans her rooms to arrange and keep clothing coming into the closet from the storage room? So many are being blessed, but we still need more men's clothing, hats, gloves, and winter things. We gave out the coats that were donated but we still need more and blankets.


So many with colds and no medications, the flu is really bad this year and we need these things but again donations are very low but more and more people are coming. Yes we pray to keep doing his work and guess what more people keep coming for so many different things, of course prayer, Bibles, and the gospel.


I have no talent as a fundraiser, we tried to do a big one for Mercy but we were giving a bad date to hold it as so many other things were going on it was almost a no show...It would be nice if the Father would send us someone with this talent! I keep saying I do not know how we can go on but we still do, the answering machine in front of me has had two shut off people call one for the phone and one for electric...


What can I do, I am 59 years old, yes an ordained minister that has been working with the poor for the last 15 years with the poor, I gave my life to help them and thereby serving the Father.


Yes I do talk radio something I love to do, it has gotten a little easier finding guests, good ones as it seem I am on some mailing lists for books new books...we have had a large spike up in listeners which is great but people in general. More people are being warned to the time we are in but people like something for their money so donations are hard at least for the Mission Church to come by.


I have spent a lot of my time helping another ministry by presenting the news on his radio program so he can shed his views of Bible Prophecy on the articles I bring forward. It's his program and no I do not agree with all his views as I am sure he does not mine but I get to warn the people with current news, that is a plus, also he is a good friend.


He helps us with $1,000 a month average but his finances has went down as when I first started helping him he was donating on an average of $2,000 or more a month ( generally more) and he when I started he said that he thought doing the programs would lead to more for us....really it has went down not up, but I still like helping him, I feel it is something I should do.


On a positive note my 20 year old son Joshua has found a wife so we have a new daughter this year! They are a very good match!


Sad to say my 25 year old son's marriage went this year, he got residential custody of the children which translates as grandma and grandpa take care of the children while he is at work. He works for an oil company, wow they are having a hard time with the price of oil dropping so much!


He is the guy who keep stuff running as he really can make anything run buy red-necking it together.


Mom ( my wife, and their grandma) is 7 years younger than me and wow she has jumped in helping with these children, they are a boy 7, girl 5, boy 4, and girl 2. A real job but we are blood so there is no question that we would not help.


The children come to church on Friday and because we have no van we have to drive two cars to Wichita and that makes it a hassle and costs more of course...but we do it in love.


The children praise and worship and sit and listen while us adults do our Bible readings and that is something that is really going good on Fridays for Sabbath.


We live our whole lives to serve our Mighty Master Yeshua as it should be, we have no regrets. I will serve HIM till I drop as he has commanded us.


Thousands upon thousands have received so much help over the last 15 years. Lives' have been saved from the pits of hell as well as their physical bodies.


Bibles have been given, people are fed and clothed! First aid is given as well as first aid for the soul! So much to so many and they keep coming. People have been healed of many things the work goes on!


Expectations for 2015?

Mercy fully opened

Mission Church better funded

A Studio to produce video's done as this should help everything

More people saved and healed

More demons cast out

More people warned through good radio

My book written and published

News letter going out on time in the mail monthly (we are over 1 month behind right now, it needs to go out!)


Yes we will go into 2015 with shut offs on bill and not knowing where even bus gas will come from, but we know we are serving our Father with all our hearts, minds, and souls, how can we do less after He sent HIS Son Yeshua to die for us...I can say as for our HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD YESHUA!

Oh and Happy New Year ( according to the world's calendar)


Lift us in prayer, help if you can


In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


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