Friday, December 19, 2014

Chicken soup a real blessings


Today's Chicken soup!




Well this December seems to be about normal, we have a huge increase in people coming for help and what uplifted because of the season. Agencies close and do shorter hours and we push on like December 25th they are all closed along with the stores so we are open. You would think more donations would come but they do not….


Here is why I think….


One group of people do not donate because we do not support Christmas we keep Hanukkah which still celebrates Messiah but we do not do Christmas so those people do not donate even though we are open them to help so many, which right now it is going to be very hard with no funds…


Then you have a group of people who like us do not celebrate Christmas, but they do not help because we are open on that day…


Of course many are just broke…but here we are stuck in the middle and donations as with most Decembers are just not there.


I have one ministry that donates a $1000 generally every month about this time and they have and that keeps on the lights, gas, and water at the Mission Church…


People were so happy to get coats, gloves, hats, etc today it was great. I had to turn some folks down with holes in their shoes and those who needed medication because really I am broke ….


Mom made soup, white meat chicken soup, with potatoes and vegetables that were dehydrated that used to be y2k food someone donated! We topped it off with subway bread so they loved it and it was great.

Lift us in prayer help if you can,

Oh and Happy Hanukkah!

In His Perfect Peace,

Pastor Dan Catlin


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