Monday, December 15, 2014

Blessings of the bread


 Around the first of November I had a woman come in and say she knew where to get some donations of food, much was ruled out because we are not a corporation but a church, but we were able to get subway bread. Now this woman is currently looking for work and not retirement age but in here 50's I think?


She told us we need to get someone to pick the bread up for us as she could not do it very long as she had no funds to buy gasoline...Now here we are in the middle of December, the bread she gets takes care of egg sandwiches and the evening meals. mom, my wife cuts it in half sometimes then makes a another cut in it and boom she has great hot dawg buns. Everyone love's the bread and we give bags of it away to poor and homeless, even some who stay in their camps all week and just come eat on Tuesday and Fridays at the Mission Church and to get bread to eat in between days. (also so many need cold medications, hats, gloves, coats etc)


If there is any bread left over we have 5 families on a waiting list in a small town to get what we have left over...this bread helps so many people!  


We cannot really afford to pay her gas money as we so many days come over with practically nothing and many days with nothing but prayers and faith....


Mom got a call from this woman on Sunday saying she thought she was going to have to make this her last day come here we are we are asking if some of you or one of you want to sponsor this bread lady?  We need to get her $25 a week in gas or maybe a monthly donation for gas....Please pray about it.


If you are mailing it let us know when it's coming and how much please so we cane tell her.


Pay pal will get it to her tomorrow and you can even set up a donation link that will automatically donate once a week or month?


Or use the Donations and contact link below.....


As we all things we really need your help, we had some money come today which was a real blessing but we are still way short for this month, will we make it? We have for the last 15 years, it would however be nice to make it through easy this month as some many people are needing help....


If you are making a donation for the bread please make a note on the donation or send me an email....

Lift us in prayer help if you can,


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